Club Equipment

Care of Equipment

The club gear (boards, skis etc) is expensive to purchase and maintain. Most gear damage is avoidable so we ask that all athletes, regardless of age, take care of all equipment used.

General Rules:

  • All boards should be carried, not dragged, across the sand.
  • Gear is to be used in designated areas, NOT around swimmers.
  • Hard-boards are not to be used in patrolled areas.
  • Children are not to sit or lie on boards when on sand.
  • Boards are like people, they shouldn't be left out in the sun!
  • When not in use, boards should be laid fin up and nose facing into the wind.
  • No gear is to be taken away from the club without the approval of the Director of Junior Surf.
  • If gear becomes damaged, it must be removed from the water immediately and the coach advised.

Most importantly - take responsibility for your gear. When you've finished, bring it up, wash it, and put it away!